Shachar Shtalrid

Private Personal Coach

Certified Personal Medicine Coach

I have a private clinic in Israel that support parents in the journey of supporting their family member.  I'm an expert in recovery and rehabilitation in the subject of mental health. I'm also a Certified Personal Medicine Coach for people who experience challenges in mental health.

Email Me ([email protected]) Website Facebook

诪讗诪谞转 讗讬砖讬转 诪讜住诪讻转 讘讜讙专转 讘讬讛"住 讗讬诪讜砖谉. 诪讜诪讞讬转 讘转讞讜诐 砖讬拽讜诐 讜讛讞诇诪讛 讘讘专讬讗讜转 讛谞驻砖.

诪诇讜讜讛 讛讜专讬诐, 诇诪转诪讜讚讚讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讘专讬讗讜转 讛谞驻砖. 转诪讬讻讛 专讙砖讬转 讜讟讬驻讜诇 讘讻诇 讛诇讬讻讬 讛讘讬专讜拽专讟讬讛.

诪讜住诪讻转 讛转讜讻谞讬转 砖诇 讚"专 驻讟 讚讬讙谉, personal medicine coach 讜诪诇讜讜讛 诪转诪讜讚讚讬诐 讘讗转讙专讬诐 讛砖讜谞讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讘专讬讗讜转 讛谞驻砖.

谞住讬讜谉 讗讬砖讬:

讻砖拽讬讘诇转 讗转 讛讬讚讬注讛 砖讛讬诇讚 砖诇讬 讞讜诇讛 讘诪讞诇讛 谞驻砖讬转, 讞讬讬 讛转诪诇讗讜 讘驻讞讚 讜讚讗讙讛. 讛讬诇讚 砖诇讬, 砖讻讛 爪讬驻讬转 砖讬讙讚诇 诇讞讬讬诐 讘讜讙专讬诐 讜注爪诪讗讬讬诐, 讛讜驻讱 诇讛讬讜转 转诇讜转讬 讘讬. 砖讗诇讜转 专讘讜转 讛注住讬拽讜 讗讜转讬:

讗讬讱 讗讗专讙谉 讗转 讞讬讬 诪讞讚砖? 诇诪讬 讗讜讻诇 诇住驻专 讗转 讛拽砖讬讬诐, 讛诇讘讟讬诐,

讛讚讗讙讜转? 讗讬讱 讗讙专讜诐 诇讬诇讚 砖诇讬 诇讛转讞讬诇 转讛诇讬讱 砖讬拽讜诐? 讗讬讱 讗讜讻诇 诇讛诪砖讬讱 诇拽讬讬诐 拽砖专 讝讜讙讬 转讜诪讱 讜讗讜讛讘, 砖谞讜讻诇 诇讛讬讜转 爪讜讜转 讻砖讻诇 讗讞讚 专讜讗讛 讗讞专转 讗转 讛讚专讱?

驻谞讬转讬 诇诇讬诪讜讚讬诐 讘拽讜专住 拽砖转 诇讛讜专讬诐. 讛诪砖讻转讬 讘讛讻砖专讛 讘诇讬诪讜讚讬 转注讜讚讛 砖诇 砖讬拽讜诐 讜讛讞诇诪讛 讘讘专讬讗讜转 讛谞驻砖.

讘诪砖讱 10 砖谞讬诐, 讛讬讬转讬 讘爪讜讜转 讛诪谞讞讬诐 砖诇 拽讜专住 拽砖转 诇讛讜专讬诐, 砖诇 讘讬讛"住 诇砖讬拽讜诐 讜讛讞诇诪讛 讘讘专讬讗讜转 讛谞驻砖.

诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 诇讬爪讜专 拽砖专:

[email protected]

谞讬讬讚: 054-2211473 讗转专:

My personal experience:

After my daughter was hospitalized in a mental health hospital, I was trying to help her and started to study at the Tel Aviv university, a special course for parents that promotes the communication with their family member. Being using the communicate tools with my daughter and finding them useful I joined the certificate course to instruct parents on their communicate skills with their family member.  For 10 years I was part of a professional team who taught parents courses. It is called  "Keshet" .

"Keshet" provides the first step to a better communication. (Keshet is an acronym that stands for "Progression, Cooperation and Communication" , and is a technique designed to help family members cope with everyday challenges.)

I am a meditation Zen teacher.

Using the tools and philosophy of Zen Buddhism helps me to believe and help others to reveal the power of resilience and the wisdom that is within us.

I am delighted to discover the Personal Medicine state of life. The idea of helping out people to discover their inner ability to help their well being is powerful.



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